The Pennsylvania DEP has
announced the winners of the 2007 round of the Growing Greener grants. DEP is providing $22 million in grants for more than 120 projects to support acid mine drainage treatment facilities, stream bank stabilization efforts to reduce erosion and protect against flooding, riparian buffers to filter pollutants before reaching streams, aquatic habitat improvements, and comprehensive watershed protection planning. The grants will also be used to implement innovative agricultural and stormwater management techniques that reduce nonpoint source pollution in streams.
Growing Greener Watershed Applications for the 2008 round of funding are now
available on the DEP website. The application deadline is MAY 16. F. X. Browne, Inc. has an excellent track record of obtaining Growing Greener grant funds for our clients. Our past projects have included streambank stabilization, watershed assessments, stormwater planning, stormwater demonstration projects, watershed modeling, and best management practices design. For more information, please contact us at