Monday, July 28, 2008

Villanova “Day of Stormwater” Seminar

On August 14, the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership will host “A Day of Stormwater,” featuring seminar presentation, a tour, and a summit at Villanova University near Philadelphia. The mission of the partnership is to advance the evolving comprehensive stormwater management field and to foster the development of public and private partnerships through research on innovative stormwater Best Management Practices, directed studies, technology transfer and education.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Workshop on Geosynthetic BMPs for Stormwater Management

On August 14, the Berks, Lebanon, Lancaster and Schuylkill County Conservation Districts, and other partners will hold a workshop in Myerstown (Lebanon County). Topics include:

  • Sediment Control: Perimeter Controls, Inlet Protection, Filter Bags and Tubes, Polyacrylamide (PAM), Erosion Control Blankets
  • Erosion Prevention: Hydraulic applications, Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs), Scour Prevention, Transition Mats, Articulating Concrete Blocks (ACBs)
  • Run-off Management: Underground Storage, Pre-treatment, Liners, Pervious Parking and Vehicle Access Treatments
  • Site Stabilization: Cellular Confinement (Load Support, Slope Protection, Earth Retention), MSE Green Walls, Earth Anchors, Geocomposite Drainage Systems, Geofoam, Geotextiles)

Workshop participants are eligible for 6.0 Pennsylvania Continuing Education Clock Hours
(PA Landscape Architects) or 6.0 CPESC PDUs (Professional Development Units) from CPESC, Inc.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Lakes Appreciation Month!

July is Lakes Appreciation Month , a great time to get out and enjoy your favorite lake, or perhaps one that you've never seen before. Coinciding with Lakes Appreciation Month, the 15th Annual Secchi Dip-In will take place between June 28 and July 20. The Dip-In is a network of volunteers that collects Secchi disk and other water quality data from water bodies around the world. Because volunteers contribute data year after year, trends in transparency are able to be tracked over time. For cumulative results of past dip-ins, visit For more information on how to participate in Lakes Appreciation events or the Dip-In, click the links above.