Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Runoff Reduction Method Announced for Innovative Stormwater Design

The Center for Watershed Protection and Tom Schueler of the Chesapeake Stormwater Network have recently completed a technical memo that outlines an innovative system for stormwater design called the Runoff Reduction Method. More...
The design is part of CWP's "Extreme BMP Makeover" project, funded by the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. They have been working closely with the VA Department of Conservation & Recreation to integrate the Runoff Reduction Method into proposed stormwater regulations and an updated handbook. While the technical memo provides extensive background research on BMP performance, the focus is on BMP capacity to reduce overall runoff volume as well as pollutant removal. These BMPs include both conventional and innovative practices (e.g., pervious parking, sheetflow to open space, green roofs, downspout disconnection). The method also incorporates built-in incentives for environmental site design, such as preserving forests and reducing soil disturbance and impervious cover. The memo includes a draft spreadsheet that can be used as a stormwater site planning tool to assess how well certain combinations of practices reduce post-development runoff volumes and total phosphorus loads. VA DCR and the VA Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers are currently using this spreadsheet and the Runoff Reduction Method in site design charrettes around the state. The spreadsheet will be revised based on feedback from these stakeholder involvement workshops.

From CWP Runoff Rundown Spring 2008

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