Thursday, December 18, 2008

New LID Green Streets Website

The Low Impact Development Center, Inc. has launched a new resource website for Green Highways and Green Streets projects. The purpose of the Website is to highlight significant Green Highways and Green Streets programs that the Center and other project partners have been involved in. The site provides examples and guidance for communities and institutions that are developing green infrastructure strategies for water resource protection, community development, and to address climate change through greening roads and communities.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oregon Reservoir Managers Puzzled Over Late Algae Blooms

A strangely persistent bloom of blue-green algae at Lost Creek Lake has experts wondering whether the reservoir's water quality has diminished or the toxic algae has somehow genetically mutated to ward off competition for fall dominance here. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin a three-year water-quality study at the reservoir to see whether any environmental changes have tipped the water in favor of anabaena flos-aquae.
The algae bloom triggered a Sept. 16 public health advisory against water contact and eating of trout or bass caught at the 31-year-old reservoir on the upper Rogue River. This bloom has persisted in spite of water temperatures in the mid-40s, and new water samples showed algae levels still at more than 130 times higher than safety thresholds set by state health officials.

Read more: Southern Oregon's Mail Tribune, December 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

CWP hosts webinar on new Watershed Forestry Resource Guide

The Center for Watershed Protection and the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area are hosting a free webinar to introduce the Watershed Forestry Resource Guide, a new online resource for all things related to forests and their role in watershed and stormwater management. The Watershed Forestry Resource Guide website contains pages specific to forest planning and assessment, reducing stormwater runoff, forest-friendly development, and planting and maintaining trees.

The webinar will be held on December 2 from 12-1 EST, 11am- 12 CST, 10-11am MST, 9-10:00am PST. To register for this webinar, please visit:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

EPA Publishes Draft TMDLs to Stormwater Permits Handbook

EPA's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds (OWOW) and Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) have jointly issued a Draft "TMDLs to Stormwater Handbook," available for public comment.

This Draft Handbook provides a technical reference for TMDL practitioners and permit writers on current methods being used to develop more detailed stormwater-source TMDL allocations, TMDL implementation plans including best management practices, and methods for translating TMDL allocations into NPDES stormwater permit requirements. The Handbook also provides background information on the components of these programs, but assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of both TMDLs and NPDES stormwater permits.

Source: EPA Water Headlines listserv, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Constructed Wetland Slideshow Added

We recently added some new content to our blog site. Check out the Constructed Wetland Slideshow on the lower right hand side of the page. It shows before, during, and post-construction photos of the F. X. Browne, Inc. constructed wetland at our Lansdale, PA headquarters.

Dr. Frank Browne Keynote Speaker on Low Impact Development

Dr. Frank Browne, President of F. X. Browne, Inc., was the Keynote Speaker at Southeast New York’s 8th Annual Stormwater Conference in Orange County, New York. Dr. Browne presented on low impact development and sustainable design. F. X. Browne, Inc., a nationwide expert in low impact development and stormwater management, was selected by DEP to be a Qualified Stormwater Consultant to assist developers with meeting the mandates of new smart-growth and stormwater regulations in land development design.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Clean Water Act!

The Clean Water Act turns 36 years old this week. In the past 36 years, enormous amounts of change have occurred with respect to policy and environment in the US. Constantly spreading impervious surfaces, diminishing wetlands, and alterations of natural watercourses have led to increased flooding and millions of dollars of damage to populated areas. However, improvements in natural channel design and wetland and stream restoration techniques as well as the NPDES Phase I and Phase II stormwater regulations are helping to reduce flooding and restore habitat. F. X. Browne, Inc. is proud to be on the forefront of environmental restoration consulting and engineering design.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cincinati wants to lead green roof movement in US

The Cincinati City Council recently became the first in Ohio with a plan to channel grants and loans to residents and businesses to replace tar and shingle roofs with vegetation. Supporters of the idea say the greenery not only is pleasing aesthetically but reduces stormwater runoff, filters pollutants and cuts heating and cooling costs.

In Ohio, green roofs grace the tops of the Toledo public library, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency building in Columbus and the Cleveland Environmental Center, home of the Greater Cleveland Green Building Coalition. In Cinicinati, the grant program is specifically aimed at commercial buildings.

AP Article, October 2, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Western WA Requires Low-Impact Development Techniques

In a landmark ruling, a state appeals board ordered use of low-impact building techniques to reduce stormwater runoff, which is considered the biggest pollution threat to the health of Puget Sound. The quasi-judicial Pollution Control Hearings Board handed down the ruling, which will be implemented by the state Ecology Department.

In established cities such as Seattle, the impact is likely to be felt mostly in redevelopment projects. In the fast-growing countryside, it's likely to mean larger-scale LID projects that might, for instance, eliminate curbs and gutters and create street-side green spaces instead. The ruling affects only the largest local governments in Western Washington: Seattle, Tacoma, and King, Snohomish, Pierce and Clark counties. Another case pending before the board could extend the logic to numerous smaller local governments.

Source:, August 9, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stormwater Video Webcasts Monday

The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) is making available two of its pre-conference workshops on Monday, September 22 from 8:30-5:00 PDT as video webcasts at no charge to stormwater quality professionals across the country. The workshops being offered are:
I - Planning Practices and Tools to Address Emerging Water Quality Issues
III - Assessing and Managing Trash in Stormwater

These workshops are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Webcast registration closes at 3:00 PM Pacific Time today. Please register as soon as possible at

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sinking With the Fishes

From Daily Grist, 10 Sep 2008
Over 700 freshwater fish species in North America, nearly 40 percent of the total, are considered vulnerable to extinction or worse, according to a new study led by the U.S. Geological Survey. The study, published in the journal Fisheries, is the most comprehensive assessment of North American freshwater fish species since 1989, but the results show little reason for celebration. Of the assessed species, only 11 percent were better off than in 1989, while the list of imperiled species nearly doubled since then and suspected extinctions grew by over 50 percent to a total of 61. Researchers said that pollution, drought, invasive species, the effects of development, and demand for water all contributed to the decline and that climate change may have also played a role. "Fish are indicators of how good the water quality is," said Howard Jelks of the USGS. "As long as you're losing fish, you're also likely losing crayfish, mussels, and other things of that nature. They're kind of the canary in the coal mine."

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dam Cam

According to American Rivers, the Merrimack Village Dam is in the process of being removed, restoring historic flows to the Souhegan River. Construction and demolition began on July 22 and will continue through August 30, 2008. The project will involve local volunteers to help transplant freshwater mussels and fish during the restoration process, as well as to assist in removing accumulated trash and debris that has accumulated behind the dam. This is one of the largest and most complex dam removal projects NOAA has ever attempted.

One of the coolest things about the project is the live Dam Cam on the project Web site to document the removal progress. Check it out!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Water Conservation Often Overlooked

Green building and improved energy efficiency are both trendy and practical ways for builders to add value to their construction projects. According to a recent article in the Tampa Bay Business Journal (August 8, 2008), an often over looked but critically important design aspect is water conservation. Incorporating water saving technologies can save the building owner thousands of gallons of water a day.

According to the article, some examples of ways that commercial buildings can save money are retrofitting restroom facilities with low-flow toilets and sinks, using more greywater, and reusing condensation collected from the cooling towers used to air-condition the building.

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 2008 Sustainable Environments

F.X. Browne, Inc.'s August 2008 edition of Sustainable Environments has been published. Enjoy!

Greening the Olympics

More than ever before, environmental issues are in the forefront during these Olympic Games. China's environmental problems are well known (air pollution, water scarcity, poor water quality, etc), but to their credit the Chinese have been making a concerted effort to compensate by adopting green building techniques, enacting sustainable community development practices, and making Beijing a model for net zero pollution. According to an article in Scientific American (August 4, 2008), China's efforts to make the 2008 games the first "Green Olympics" include:

  • Planting trees
  • Closing 1,000 small coal mines before and during the games
  • Banning up to a million cars from city streets
  • Incorporating green building technologies at the Beijing National Stadium such as a rainwater collection arrangement, a natural ventilation system, and a clear roof with inflatable cushions made from ETFE
  • Designing the Aquatic Center (aka the Water Cube) with ETFE pillows, and designing it such that when it has finished serving its purpose as an Olympic venue, it can be converted to a shopping area and leisure center with tennis courts, retail outlets, nightclubs and restaurants
  • Powering the lighting outside all seven of the Olympic stadiums, as well as the entire hot water supply for the Olympic Village, by solar and wind energy
  • Investing in expensive energy-efficient heating and transportation equipment that will greatly improve environmental quality for decades throughout the city of Beijing and beyond.

Other interesting articles about China's efforts toward a Green Olympics:

Beijing Orders its Pollution to Vanish: Time Magazine, 7/14/08

7 Amazing Olympic Green Buildings: Jetson Green, 8/8/08

For the Olympics, Will Beijing Paint the Town Green?:, 2/21/07

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Visit to the Wild Center

If you've never visited the Wild Center, Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks in Tupper Lake, NY, I highly recommend it.

It is the first museum in New York to be granted a LEED Silver certification for green buildings. The certification is based on a number of demonstration technologies, such as a constructed stormwater wetland

A living wall

A cistern for collecting and storing roof runoff

Permeable pavement

And a green roof.

If you've never seen these technolgies firsthand, the Wild Center offers a great way to learn about them. The museum also makes the trip well worth it.

Posted by: Rebecca Buerkett, Project Scientist, Sustainable Environments Editor

Monday, July 28, 2008

Villanova “Day of Stormwater” Seminar

On August 14, the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership will host “A Day of Stormwater,” featuring seminar presentation, a tour, and a summit at Villanova University near Philadelphia. The mission of the partnership is to advance the evolving comprehensive stormwater management field and to foster the development of public and private partnerships through research on innovative stormwater Best Management Practices, directed studies, technology transfer and education.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Workshop on Geosynthetic BMPs for Stormwater Management

On August 14, the Berks, Lebanon, Lancaster and Schuylkill County Conservation Districts, and other partners will hold a workshop in Myerstown (Lebanon County). Topics include:

  • Sediment Control: Perimeter Controls, Inlet Protection, Filter Bags and Tubes, Polyacrylamide (PAM), Erosion Control Blankets
  • Erosion Prevention: Hydraulic applications, Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs), Scour Prevention, Transition Mats, Articulating Concrete Blocks (ACBs)
  • Run-off Management: Underground Storage, Pre-treatment, Liners, Pervious Parking and Vehicle Access Treatments
  • Site Stabilization: Cellular Confinement (Load Support, Slope Protection, Earth Retention), MSE Green Walls, Earth Anchors, Geocomposite Drainage Systems, Geofoam, Geotextiles)

Workshop participants are eligible for 6.0 Pennsylvania Continuing Education Clock Hours
(PA Landscape Architects) or 6.0 CPESC PDUs (Professional Development Units) from CPESC, Inc.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Lakes Appreciation Month!

July is Lakes Appreciation Month , a great time to get out and enjoy your favorite lake, or perhaps one that you've never seen before. Coinciding with Lakes Appreciation Month, the 15th Annual Secchi Dip-In will take place between June 28 and July 20. The Dip-In is a network of volunteers that collects Secchi disk and other water quality data from water bodies around the world. Because volunteers contribute data year after year, trends in transparency are able to be tracked over time. For cumulative results of past dip-ins, visit For more information on how to participate in Lakes Appreciation events or the Dip-In, click the links above.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Northeast Wetland Restoration Institute Now Accepting Applications

The 2008 Northeast Regional Wetland Restoration Institute will be held in Campbell, New York from August 11-15. The training is designed to help engineers, biologists, foresters, hydrologists, and technicians initiate or improve a wetland restoration program. Individuals will be involved in the design and construction of two wetlands, from start to finish, using the latest and most effective techniques available in North America. Participants will investigate restored wetlands and streams in forested and open areas with instructors who are leaders in the field. Applications are now being accepted and are due by June 30.
For more information please visit:

National Conservation and Sustainability Symposium to be Held in Philadelphia

Representatives of states from across the country are gathering in Philadelphia this week to talk about how to use land management and conservation practices as powerful tools to achieve sustainability and address climate change. Leaders from 16 states including Pennsylvania will gather at the University of Pennsylvania June 23 and 24 for a symposium entitled “Creating a New Natural Resource Legacy: Conservation and Sustainability…Historic Missions Cast New in the 21st Century.” The forum is co-hosted by Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, California, Iowa and Maryland.

Friday, June 6, 2008

National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is providing National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grants to States for acquisition, restoration, management or enhancement of coastal wetlands. The Act also establishes a role for the Fish and Wildlife Service in interagency wetlands restoration and conservation planning in Louisiana. States must provide 50 percent of the total costs of a project. Priority will be provided to projects that are:

  • Consistent with the National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan
  • Located in States with dedicated land acquisition programs.
  • Located in maritime forests on coastal barrier islands.

Approximately 30 grants will be available, totaling of $19,000,000. Closing date for applications is June 27, 2008.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

New Runoff Reduction Method Announced for Innovative Stormwater Design

The Center for Watershed Protection and Tom Schueler of the Chesapeake Stormwater Network have recently completed a technical memo that outlines an innovative system for stormwater design called the Runoff Reduction Method. More...
The design is part of CWP's "Extreme BMP Makeover" project, funded by the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. They have been working closely with the VA Department of Conservation & Recreation to integrate the Runoff Reduction Method into proposed stormwater regulations and an updated handbook. While the technical memo provides extensive background research on BMP performance, the focus is on BMP capacity to reduce overall runoff volume as well as pollutant removal. These BMPs include both conventional and innovative practices (e.g., pervious parking, sheetflow to open space, green roofs, downspout disconnection). The method also incorporates built-in incentives for environmental site design, such as preserving forests and reducing soil disturbance and impervious cover. The memo includes a draft spreadsheet that can be used as a stormwater site planning tool to assess how well certain combinations of practices reduce post-development runoff volumes and total phosphorus loads. VA DCR and the VA Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers are currently using this spreadsheet and the Runoff Reduction Method in site design charrettes around the state. The spreadsheet will be revised based on feedback from these stakeholder involvement workshops.

From CWP Runoff Rundown Spring 2008

PA Water Infrastructure Task Force Plans Public Meetings

With aging and deteriorating water systems across Pennsylvania in need of critical investments, members of Governor Edward G. Rendell’s Sustainable Water Infrastructure Task Force are setting out to gather the public’s ideas on how to address the challenge. The task force recently announced a series of eight public meetings to be held throughout the state this month.

From the PADEP press release: The 30-member task force, made up of business leaders, legislators, government officials and industry experts, will host eight public meetings during May, the first kicking off today in Harrisburg. The other meetings will take place in Allegheny, Clearfield, Luzerne, Montgomery, Northampton, Venango and York counties. Members want to hear recommendations from the public about what issues the task force should consider; what existing statutory, regulatory or public policy barriers prevent the long-term sustainability of Pennsylvania’s water infrastructure; and possible new revenue streams that could help meet the state’s infrastructure needs.According to a federal Clean Water Needs Survey, Pennsylvania is facing nearly $11 billion in unmet drinking water infrastructure needs and at least $7.2 billion in unmet wastewater infrastructure needs. The task force convened for the first time last month and formed five work groups to address the most pressing issues: needs assessment, innovative measures, financial resources, financial sustainability and legislative and regulatory needs.

For meeting dates and locations, click here and scroll down.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Forum-Global Warming in the Delaware Valley

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia will host a large public forum on May 6, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., where a panel of scientists and policy experts will discuss the impacts of "Global Warming in the Delaware Valley." This free, town hall-style meeting is one installment in the Academy's "Town Square" series, which is taking place at the museum's headquarters.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sustainable Community Workshop - PA

Green Village Philadelphia is bringing Paolo Lugari to Philadelphia for a public talk and a unique three day workshop on sustainable community development. Paolo Lugari founded Gaviotas, a sustainable village in rural Colombia that battled the constant threat of Colombia's political turbulence and the country's barren landscape. The event will consist of:

Public Talk: May 1st
Weekend Workshop: May 2 - 4th
Intimate Brunch with Paulo: May 4th

For more information on this event, click here. The event is co-sponsored by the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

PADEP Offers Growing Greener Workshop

PA DEP will hold an informational session at 1 p.m. on April 22 in Harrisburg to help watershed groups, municipal officials, and community planners apply for 2008 Growing Greener I and II grants. The session will be held at DEP’s Southcentral Regional Office Building and will last until 3 p.m. The session will include a brief overview of the 2008 Growing Greener application package followed by a question and answer session.

F. X. Browne, Inc. can assist with the application and implementation of Growing Greener grant projects. Growing Greener applications must be postmarked or hand delivered by May 16.
For more information on how F. X. Browne, Inc. can help, please contact us.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PA 2008 Integrated List Released

Pennsylvania's 2008 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report and impaired streams listing has been released. The 2008 Report (also known as the 303(d) List or Integrated List) contains summaries of various water quality management programs including water quality standards, point source control, and nonpoint source control. It also includes descriptions of programs designed to protect lakes, wetlands and groundwater quality.

The 2008 Integrated List shows that nearly 16,000 miles out of the 85,399 miles assessed and 38,357 acres of the 74,616 acres of lakes assessed do not meet Pennsylvania water quality standards. To see which lakes and streams are listed as impaired, and for which parameters, check out the report.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Stormwater Webcast Features Urban Retrofit Practices

EPA is presenting a new Stormwater Webcast- The Art and Science of Stormwater Retrofitting, on April 9- 12 - 2 pm EDT. EPA has provided funding to the Center for Watershed Protection to develop a detailed manual to help communities identify, plan, and implement stormwater retrofit practices that will result in water quality improvements. The new "Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices" manual addresses retrofitting existing urban lands, such as parking lots, residential streets, conveyance systems, and landscaped areas. This webcast will feature presentations from noted experts in the field, including a case study from the City of Charlottesville, VA, which has implemented an effective retrofit planning process. To register for this webcast, please visit

Fish and Boat Commission State Wildlife Grants Due May 5

The Fish and Boat Commission announced it will accept applications for the State Wildlife Grant Program until May 5. The projects funded through the grant program will address high-priority conservation needs for endangered, threatened and at-risk reptile, amphibian, fish and aquatic invertebrate species across Pennsylvania. Priority topics include: reintroduction of native mussels, at-risk herptile species surveys and status assessments, mussel community assessment in the Lower Susquehanna Basin, and biodiversity of fish assemblages of the Middle and Upper Allegheny River, as well as projects that supply multiple benefits to multiple species.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Sustainable Environments Launched

The April 2008 edition of our e-newsletter, Sustainable Environments, has been launched. This month's newsletter features an article by F. X. Browne, Inc. Senior Scientist/Fluvial Geomorphologist Deborah Slawson, Ph.D. about natural stream channel design methods used in one of our recent dam removal projects.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WARNING: Killer Mermaids Invade Storm Sewers

We have breaking news to report at this hour.

A client from Cape May, NJ was out walking her dog when suddenly, out of the storm sewer came a tendril of blonde hair that wrapped around her dog's tail and tried to drag the beast down! Fortunately, the woman carries pinking shears in her purse and was able to cut the animal loose to save it, but not before she caught a glimpse of the hideous monster retreating into the depths of the storm grate. A hideous thing, with day-glo scales, an oddly disproportunately shaped body, and excessive amounts of eye makeup. A passerby was able to capture a video clip of this disturbing monster. Beware, the Killer Mermaids are lurking, biding their time, growing ever stronger consuming the nutrients that trickle into their lair with the stormwater runoff.....beware.....

They grow stronger on their diet of spring meltwater....

Only filtration measures and stormwater management practices can save us now!

Oh yeah, and APRIL FOOL!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Celebrate World Water Day in PA

The The Nature Conservancy, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Paxton Creek Watershed Association, Blue Mountain Outfitters and others will be holding a World Water Day event on March 22 at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg, PA. The goal of the event is to help draw attention to the issue of clean water.

Activities offered at the event include:
  • Pose for photos in authentic whitewater kayaking gear
  • Take the Water Conservation Challenge
  • Children's craft activities
  • A new 3D Imax film dedicated to the theme of water and conservation—the Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk. The film tells the story of the worldwide water crisis and the great drought now plaguing the American Southwest. Audiences will join a team of explorers on an exhilarating Colorado River whitewater adventure as they seek important answers about water conservation.

Friday, March 14, 2008

EPA Launches New Web Multimedia Portal

The U.S. EPA recently launched its new web multimedia portal: The multimedia portal is EPA’s one-stop location for environmental video, audio/podcasts, and photography. The portal also includes interactive features such as “Ask EPA” and the Deputy Administrator's blog, “Flow of the River”. Another feature called "EPA in Action" goes behind-the-scenes; following the diverse jobs performed by the EPA workforce and examines some of the most pressing environmental issues facing our nation today. Viewing video is integrated into the site using flash player, while photos of events and EPA work will be posted in a series of online galleries. Users may subscribe to several podcast series or select from a number of individual podcasts featuring EPA experts and senior officials. This new multimedia portal is an important resource for the public, journalists, academia, local governments and the environmental community.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pennsylvania Stormwater Funding Deadline Approaches

The PA Department of Environemental Protection is now accepting applications from local governments eligible to receive reimbursement for their stormwater management administrative costs under Act 167 of 1978. Applications are due March 31. Eligible local governments must be in watersheds that have a stormwater management plan prepared and adopted by the count and approved by DEP. The grants cover up to 75 percent of the costs to adopt or revise their ordinances or regulations and comply with the state Stormwater Management Act.

F. X. Browne, Inc. can assist municipalities with preparing Act 167 Stormwater Management Plans. Please contact us at for more information.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Growing Greener Grants Announced

The Pennsylvania DEP has announced the winners of the 2007 round of the Growing Greener grants. DEP is providing $22 million in grants for more than 120 projects to support acid mine drainage treatment facilities, stream bank stabilization efforts to reduce erosion and protect against flooding, riparian buffers to filter pollutants before reaching streams, aquatic habitat improvements, and comprehensive watershed protection planning. The grants will also be used to implement innovative agricultural and stormwater management techniques that reduce nonpoint source pollution in streams.

Growing Greener Watershed Applications for the 2008 round of funding are now available on the DEP website. The application deadline is MAY 16. F. X. Browne, Inc. has an excellent track record of obtaining Growing Greener grant funds for our clients. Our past projects have included streambank stabilization, watershed assessments, stormwater planning, stormwater demonstration projects, watershed modeling, and best management practices design. For more information, please contact us at

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Putting A Price On Riparian Corridors As Water Treatment Facilities

An article by Dr. Ann Riley, Watershed and River Restoration Advisor for the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, has been posted on the ASWM website. The article compares the monetary value of natural riparian environments in providing water quality treatment functions by processing nutrients, storing sediment, moderating temperatures, and other services to the costs associated with the construction of brick and mortar water treatment plants built to achieve similar functions.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Historic Dam Failure Documented on Website

Lately, F. X. Browne, Inc. has been working on some Emergency Action Plans for various dams as well as some expert witness work for a failed dam. We thought we would share this classic dam failure sequence from the Teton Dam in Idaho in 1976 for your viewing education. It was compiled by Arthur G. Sylvester, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara. This is literally the "textbook" dam failure. Many engineering classes study this as an example of why we design some of the safety factors and devices into our facilities now.

Posted by Joe Mina, Group Manager

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

EPA Watershed Webcast on Sustainable Wastewater

EPA’s Watershed Academy is sponsoring its 29th free Webcast Seminar on February 20. This month's topic will be "Wastewater Utilities Using Sustainable Watershed Approaches,"
by Andy Crosland, Sustainable Infrastructure Coordinator, U. S. EPA, Kevin Shafer, Executive Director, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, and Stephanie Farrell, Engineering Services Coordinator, Hallsdale-Powell Utility District. According to EPA's Watershed Academy website, the seminar will cover the following: "Much of the drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in the U.S. was built in the 30 years following World War II, mirroring the increase in population. Utilities are facing tremendous costs to rehabilitate and replace this infrastructure. EPA has a new initiative to promote Sustainable Infrastructure and help utilities identify the best practices to address a variety of management challenges. This Webcast will provide a brief introduction to EPA’s Sustainable Infrastructure Initiative and will highlight the work of two utilities to use sustainable watershed management approaches."

Thursday, February 7, 2008

NJ Municipal Smart Growth Grants

New Jersey municipalities are encouraged to apply to the 2008 Smart Growth Planning Grant Program from the Association for New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC). ANJEC will award 1-to-1 matching reimbursement grants of up to $20,000 each to municipalities or counties for local or regional plans, ordinances, studies or document reviews that protect natural resources and establish the land use patterns envisioned in the State Plan. The grant and matching funds may be used to hire a consultant to carry out project tasks. Applications are due March 31. Suitable projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Natural/environmental resource inventories (NRI/ERI)
  • Open space and farmland preservation plans
  • Master plan conservation elements
  • Capacity studies, such as build-out analysis, or septic capacity and groundwater supply analysis
  • Land use ordinances for LEED/green building, renewable energy or energy efficiency
  • Brownfields or revitalization plans that include new open space
  • Bicycle/pedestrian network or trails plans
  • Master plan and zoning ordinance revisions that incorporate smart growth concepts and open space preservation such as cluster development, conservation design or downzoning (the grants are not intended to fund routine master plan tasks required by state law)
  • Ordinances that protect critical areas, including steep slopes, stream corridors and wellhead areas
  • Intermunicipal or regional plans to protect common or connected resources (greenways, open space, etc.)

F. X. Browne, Inc. can assist your municipality with preparing smart growth plans, land use plans, master plans, ordinances, open space plans, and greenways plans. Contact us at for more information.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Reduce Costs by Using Low Impact Development Practices

The U.S. EPA has released a new report "Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Development Strategies and Practices," which contains 17 case studies from across North America that show the economic viability of LID practices. The goal of the report was to compare the projected or known costs of LID practices with those of conventional development approaches. LID techniques can reduce costs by such methods as decreasing the amount of materials needed for paving roads and driveways, eliminating or reducing the need for curbs and gutters, reducing the size and cost of flood-control structures, and reducing the costs associated with regulatory requirements for stormwater control.

The report concludes that applying LID techniques can reduce project costs and improve environmental performance. In most cases, LID practices were shown to be both fiscally and environmentally beneficial to communities. Total capital savings generally ranged from 15 to 80 percent. In all cases, LID provided other benefits that were not quantified financially or factored into the project bottom line. These benefits include improved aesthetics, expanded recreational opportunities, increased property values due to the desirability of the lots and their proximity to open space, increased total number of units developed, increased marketing potential, and faster sales. The case studies also provided other environmental benefits such as reduced runoff volumes and pollutant loadings to downstream waters, and reduced incidences of combined sewer overflows.

More research is needed to quantify the cost reductions that can be achieved through improved environmental performance, reductions in long-term operation and maintenance costs, and/or reductions in the life cycle costs of replacing or rehabilitating infrastructure.

F. X. Browne, Inc. specializes in creating environmentally-sensitive, low-impact site development plans for projects ranging from small commercial sites to large planned residential developments. We have been 100 percent successful in obtaining local, conservation district, and state approvals for all of our site development projects. We are experts in designing innovative, environmentally sound stormwater management systems to control the volume and quality of stormwater runoff. For information on how LID can reduce costs and improve the environment in your community, contact F. X. Browne, Inc.